Welcome to Simigo International School


Field trips are recognized as important moment in learning, a shared social experience that provides the opportunity for student to encounter and explore novel things in an authentic setting. An educational visit was organized by Simigo International School for the students of 9th and 10th class. The students were taken to Fish Farm, Nursery, Flour Mill, and Brick Kiln. It was a great learning experience. (03-05-2019)
The students of class X has performed an experiment to study the law of combination of resistances. The objective of their experiment that how to calculate the total resistances when a number of resistances are connected in a circuit (series or parallel). (02-05-2019)
Student of Class X have performed on experiment to study the relationship between the voltage, current and resistance in a metallic conductor given by Ohm's Law. At constant temperature, the potential difference is directly proportional to the current through the circuit. (26-04-2019)
Students of Simigo International School has performed an experiment to study the distribution of stomata on upper and lower surface of leaves of Tradescantia plant. The objective of this experiment is to know the process of gaseous exchange in plants. (22-04-2019)